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Bayonetta - In Review

Those fingers through your hair. That sly come hither stare...

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Darksiders - In Review

War! Uh. Good God y'all!

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VGA 2009

Spike's choices... and ours.

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Dissidia Final Fantasy in Review

I think we have a different definition of the word "Final"...

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 PC in Review

I'm not sure how I feel about being with a guy nicknamed "Soap" in the showers...

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Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 in Review

Seriously, no jokes about my catch phrase. "Flame on!" isn't that bad, right?

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Beatles Rock Band in Review

There's nothing you can do that can't be done.

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ColorZ in Review

Look at all the pretty colors!

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Defense Grid: The Awakening in Review

What's worse? Aliens, smart ass A.I. or knowing your going to be dealing with both?

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Sacred 2: Fallen Angel in Review

You're a fallen diety? Well, so long and thanks for all the fish!

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Red Faction: Guerilla in Review

We've got knives, we've got guns, we've got sharp sticks! Now let's use 'em

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Velvet Assassin in Review

Death: It's not just for Nazis anymore.

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Posts Tagged ‘Ensemble Studios’

Halo Wars Review

Thursday, February 26th, 2009 by Ryan L. Lopees

Title: Halo Wars
Developer/Publisher: Ensemble Studios/MS Games
Platform: Xbox 360
Release Date: 03/03/2009
Number of Players: Single-player Campaign/2 player Co-Op/Up to 6 Player Multiplayer on Xbox Live.

“Who needs Spartans?” It’s a question you’ll actually hear posed in the game by some infantry units if you listen carefully. Frankly, I played through the campaign fairly fine without them, but they definitely have their uses. So let’s talk a little about Ensemble Studio’s final magnum opus (under the name Ensemble Studios that is), Halo Wars. Normally I am quite despising of seeing the RTS genre on consoles. Next to survival horror games, RTS titles have always been high on my list of favourite genres. I’ve managed to steer clear of almost every RTS outing on consoles to date because I prefer the micro-managing capability offered by a keyboard and mouse. Well, how did Halo Wars fair against this grizzled keyboard/mouse veteran? I will tell you.
