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Bayonetta - In Review

Those fingers through your hair. That sly come hither stare...

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Darksiders - In Review

War! Uh. Good God y'all!

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VGA 2009

Spike's choices... and ours.

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Dissidia Final Fantasy in Review

I think we have a different definition of the word "Final"...

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 PC in Review

I'm not sure how I feel about being with a guy nicknamed "Soap" in the showers...

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Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 in Review

Seriously, no jokes about my catch phrase. "Flame on!" isn't that bad, right?

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Beatles Rock Band in Review

There's nothing you can do that can't be done.

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ColorZ in Review

Look at all the pretty colors!

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Defense Grid: The Awakening in Review

What's worse? Aliens, smart ass A.I. or knowing your going to be dealing with both?

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Sacred 2: Fallen Angel in Review

You're a fallen diety? Well, so long and thanks for all the fish!

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Red Faction: Guerilla in Review

We've got knives, we've got guns, we've got sharp sticks! Now let's use 'em

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Velvet Assassin in Review

Death: It's not just for Nazis anymore.

Frontpage Slideshow (version 2.0.0) - Copyright © 2006-2008 by JoomlaWorks

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Posts Tagged ‘ESA’

The Mounties Still Get Their Man

Monday, November 9th, 2009 by Ryan L. Lopees

Those of you who know me in the slightest, be it reading the sludge I write or through a community, know I feel about piracy. Sure, I admit that in my day I flew the Black Flag myself, but I have long since gone legit (namely due to having so many friends in the industries from which I used to pirate and seeing the direct effect it can have). Hell, my stance has gotten this very website hacked a few times by would-be pirates and “hackers” (thanks for the free press guys).

Well, when was the last time you heard about the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in the news? Okay, sure, if you live in Canada you probably hear about them more often. For the rest of us, our RCMP exposure has been limited to Dudley Do Right. Well not today!


Gamers United

Wednesday, February 18th, 2009 by Ryan L. Lopees

We’ve all heard about one anti-video game bill after another at some point in our lives. 99% of the time they are rediculous, extermist crap and that is what I will frankly call them. However, I pose a question to you: Have you ever done anything to personally combat these unfair bits of legislature? If the answer to that question was yes, kudos to you for being heard. If the answer was no, then don’t come crying to me when you can’t have anymore Hot Coffee. But what about if your answer was, “I would love to, but how can I?” There’s an answer now…
