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Dante's Inferno in Review

Burn, baby burn! Dante's Inferno! Burn, baby burn!

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Bioshock 2 - In Review

Let's party like it's still 1959!

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Bayonetta - In Review

Those fingers through your hair. That sly come hither stare...

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Darksiders - In Review

War! Uh. Good God y'all!

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VGA 2009

Spike's choices... and ours.

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Dissidia Final Fantasy in Review

I think we have a different definition of the word "Final"...

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 PC in Review

I'm not sure how I feel about being with a guy nicknamed "Soap" in the showers...

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Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 in Review

Seriously, no jokes about my catch phrase. "Flame on!" isn't that bad, right?

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Beatles Rock Band in Review

There's nothing you can do that can't be done.

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ColorZ in Review

Look at all the pretty colors!

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Defense Grid: The Awakening in Review

What's worse? Aliens, smart ass A.I. or knowing your going to be dealing with both?

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Sacred 2: Fallen Angel in Review

You're a fallen diety? Well, so long and thanks for all the fish!

Frontpage Slideshow (version 2.0.0) - Copyright © 2006-2008 by JoomlaWorks

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Posts Tagged ‘Sony’

Review - Dante’s Inferno: A Hellishly Good Time—Mostly…

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010 by Flatliner


Title: Dante’s Inferno
Platforms: Xbox 360, PS3, PSP
Developer: Visceral Games
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Release date: 2/28/2010

Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about the role of religion in games. More specifically, I’ve thought about the role and presentation of Judeo-Christian religions in our favorite medium. I’m intrigued by how it’s handled, what developers decide to show us, and how this theme is received by the gaming public. All that stuff aside, Dante’s Inferno is a good game. But it has earned its reputation as a God of War clone. Earned it and seemingly wears it proudly.


Review - Bayonetta

Saturday, January 16th, 2010 by Mark-12


Title: Bayonetta
Publisher/Developer: Sega/Platinum Games
Platforms: PS3 and XBOX 360
Release Date: 01/05/10
Number of Players: Single-player

I’m going to start by saying I’ve NEVER played any of the “Devil May Cry” games. I’ve heard a lot of early previews say that this is either “Devil May Cry done right,” or “a good successor to Devil May Cry.” Since I’d never played any of them (I know, shun me), I wanted to give Bayonetta a try. I have a hard time comparing this to any other game, to be honest. It’s not due to my lack of gaming knowledge, it’s because the character concept for Bayonetta is so unique. She’s a gun wielding witch that can do nifty fighting techniques. Okay, let me amend that, the character concept reminded me of the game, “Bullet Witch” a lot. Bayonetta runs around with 4 handguns, two in hand and two strapped to her ankles. Her common attacks are based around a mix of melee, weapon and magical hair-based attacks. As you progress through game, you’re able to pick up other guns and melee weapons. As you get different types of weapons, you can have custom weapon loadouts. These different loadouts will change the basics of her attack combos and what attacks they do.


First Impressions: God of War III– “Eviscerations here… 12 for $0.10”

Friday, January 8th, 2010 by Flatliner

Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment America
Developer: Santa Monica Studios
Platform: PS3
ESRB Rating: Pending, but you know what’s up.

In what is almost assured to be the killer app of the first quarter (or at least Sony is hoping for it to be) Kratos, or as I like to call him, “that Fuzzy Little Teddy Bear” (aww… he’s so cute), is back for the third installment of the God of War saga. And let me tell you, boy, does he make a good third impression, in a multitude of ways.

Dark Void Demo This Week

Tuesday, January 5th, 2010 by Ryan L. Lopees

I’ve been itching for this game since we first saw it played at last year’s CES party hosted by Capcom. The wait is almost over with the official release of Dark Void coming this 01/19/2010. Until then we can get a taste of Capcom’s rocketeering action with the demo releasing this week. The Dark Void demo will be available on Xbox Live tomorrow, Janurary 6th and on the Playstation Network Thursday, January 7th.  Sorry PC gamers. Check out the news here.

Looks like 2010 is off to a good start for gamers.

M.A.G. Beta Live

Monday, January 4th, 2010 by Ryan L. Lopees

For those of you who’ve been wanting to sink your teeth into the Playstation 3’s upcoming 256 (yes, you read that right) player, online shooter, M.A.G. today is your day. The beta has officially gone live. Of course, it’s not splashed on the front page of the Playstation Network Store as I would have expected. You’ll have to do a little manuevering to get to it. Thankfully, the folks over at the PSN Blog have the “how to” all nicely written out for you here.

Hop to, soldier! And keep an eye out for our Preview Impressions of the game shortly.

UPDATE- Be ye warned. The servers are taking a beating right now. Expect disconnects from both the download server and the PSN itself. Welcome to the intarwebs!

Review - Dissidia: Final Fantasy

Friday, December 11th, 2009 by Mark-12

Dissidia Final Fantasy

Title: Dissidia: Final Fantasy
Developer/Publisher: Square Enix
Platforms: PSP, PSP Go
Release Date: 08/25/09
Number of Players: 1-2 via “Ad-Hoc” Mode

I’ve been playing fighting games since the days of Street Fighter. I’ve played many fighting games and have enjoyed them for various reasons. I’ve played Final Fantasy since I owned a Game Boy, sadly I never owned an NES to enjoy the original. When I first heard about Dissidia, I thought this would be an interesting meld of 2 styles that I’ve enjoyed since early childhood. The game boasts a “Story Mode”, an “Arcade Mode”, a “Quick Battle Mode” and a Catalogue to purchase unlockables. Now, I know what a lot of people are thinking. How much depth can you get out of a fighting game? Well, for those who remember Ergheiz, Square Enix’s first foray into the “Fighting” genre, it can actually carry a LOT of depth.


Free Fullmetal Alchemist Epi on PSN

Tuesday, November 10th, 2009 by Ryan L. Lopees

If you’re a fan of Fullmetal Alchemist, today is your lucky day. Episode 1, Season 2 “Teacher” is available for free through the PSN until November 16th. Seriously, if you have a PS3 why the hell not check it out? If you’ve never seen Fullmetal Alchemist, I have no words for that. If you can’t find it, it’s under “TV Shows” > “Free TV” (go figure, huh?). Enjoy!

Netflix PS3 Disc On The Way

Thursday, November 5th, 2009 by Ryan L. Lopees

For those of you who got your request in for your Netflix PS3 disc ,used to enable the Netflix Streaming Service early, check your email. The first batch of discs went out today (in fact, mine will be here tomorrow). There were some rumours and hints that there might be a shortage of discs of a flood of PS3 users signed up, but it looks like things are going smoothly.

For those still confused how this works (and trust me, I am writing this because I have seen some people on some “other” sites who still can’t grasp this), the PS3 Disc basically starts up the streaming service and from that point out you can use Netflix’s streaming service just like you’ve been able to do on other platforms. Yes, you have to have the disc in the drive whenever you want to stream a movie to your PS3. Is this permanent? Probably not. I’d reckon this is an interim until the software is integrated fully into the next big PS3 System Update.

Either way, it’s good news for PS3 users. If you haven’t already, get your butt over there and request your disc… it’s free!

Spam invades the PSN

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009 by Ryan L. Lopees

After receiving my 5th chaiin letter spam today I opted to stop by and post a brief PSA:


There are always rumours persistent in the gaming industry and there’s not much we can do about it. However, we can opt choose to not aid said rumours along. Recently it would appear that the Playstation Network has fallen prey to the latest rumour machine: The PSN Chain Letter. Gang, these letters are about as legitmate as those emails you get promising to increase the size of that certain part of the male body. You know, I know it, we all know. Why bother to propagate these things?

Beyond the list of “free prizes if you send this crap to enough people” spam messages that have been flying around the PSN as of late we can now add to the rumour-mill that Sony has “confirmed” a fee to use the PSN. I have four letters for you: Bunk. No such confirmation has been made. I am not saying that there won’t be fees down the road, but they have made no such announcements as of yet.

For those of you that choose to believe these rumours at face value, please contact me as soon as possible. I have a bridge to the moon for sale.

Review - Sacred 2 - Indefineably Bland

Friday, September 25th, 2009 by The ReanimatedFish


Title: Sacred 2: Fallen Angel
Publisher/Developer: CDV Software Entertainment/Ascaron 
Platforms: Windows PC, Playstation 3, Xbox 360
Release Date: 05/11/2009
Number of players/Multiplayer: 16 in PVP 5 in PVE 2 on screen multiplayer.

Sacred 2 is a strange little title whisked in to us from a mysterious foreign land marked as ‘here be dragons’ on the world map. A land better known as Germany. While better known for beer, sausage and zany mustaches, the land of my ancestors apparently can churn out a decent game, too. Decent is all the game can seem to muster.
